Agent Assist – Realtor Software

Sometime around 1998, I went to a business planning seminar for Realtors in San Francisco. The guest speaker and presenter was Mike Ferry.  Agents spent a lot of money to come see how to create an effective business plan and set their goals to be successful in Real Estate.  Over 350 agents attended this Goal Planning seminar. 

Top 50 Google Tools for Business

The Top 50 Google Tools for Business This compilation is for all of you out there who use Google for searching and SEO, but may not be aware of all the other tools and services that Google has to offer for your business.  My inbox used to get so many questions about many of the

Top 40 Resources for Information and Education

These are my Top 40 Resources for Real Estate Industry Information and Education Most of my reading hours are spent on ActiveRain. Let’s face it, one could sit at their computer ALL DAY everyday, and never run out of great material to read and learn from AR members.  There is more information, education, inspiration, and

How To Create Your Customized QR Code Images

I’ve seen many posts about QR codes, here’s one on how to Customize yours and make it different than others. The QR Code was just one of the hot topics at NAR in New Orleans this year. Out of the hundreds of cards we received for the iPad drawing, there were only 3 business cards

New GOOGLE Tools for Your BLOG – Customized Mapping

When I think of the old traditional maps, I still think of the ones in my glove compartment.  You know the one, you unfold it six times to open it, stretch your arms across the entire front seat of the car to read it, and then you’re never able to fold it back up the