Embed Youtube Video into Google Maps

How To Embed Your Youtube Video into Google Maps We had over 700 people register for the Youtube Video and Blogging Classes we held over at ActiveRain University this last month. In these sessions, we covered how to create and use video more effectively for your Blogs and websites. We shared some cool tips and

Top 10 Cool Tools to Share

When I joined Zillow about 6-7 weeks ago, many friends and associates here asked me to keep them posted about my new position over at Zillow.  So far, it’s been an incredible blast and the time has simply flown by.  I’m really enjoying the privilege of getting to be in both places, Zillow and here

The Ultimate Blogger Startup Kit

The Ultimate Blogger Startup Kit When you first heard the word “Blog” you were probably just like the rest of us.  Not sure, confused, and maybe even uncomfortable with the whole idea and concept.  My guess is that you still are if you’ve opened this post and you’re still reading it. Here is a Starter

Top 40 Resources for Information and Education

These are my Top 40 Resources for Real Estate Industry Information and Education Most of my reading hours are spent on ActiveRain. Let’s face it, one could sit at their computer ALL DAY everyday, and never run out of great material to read and learn from AR members.  There is more information, education, inspiration, and

3 Tips – How Google Buzz and Profiles Generate SEO and Business

3 Tips – Can Google Buzz really generate SEO and business? Is there a strategic way to use Google Buzz by mixing business and personal communications to generate ranking in search engines and at the same time, increase your visits and place in line making deposits at the local bank?  First tip: Stop standing in

Agent Ratings and Reviews Go Public on Zillow

Your Reviews Are Now Front ‘n Center on Zillow It was announced last week to the general public that “Zillow surfaces thousands of Real Estate agent ratings and reviews.  Consumers can now search and find local agents based on Client feedback” The responses and results from adding this new feature have been very positive and

Top 50 Google Tools for Business

The Top 50 Google Tools for Business This compilation is for all of you out there who use Google for searching and SEO, but may not be aware of all the other tools and services that Google has to offer for your business.  My inbox used to get so many questions about many of the

New GOOGLE Tools for Your BLOG – Customized Mapping

When I think of the old traditional maps, I still think of the ones in my glove compartment.  You know the one, you unfold it six times to open it, stretch your arms across the entire front seat of the car to read it, and then you’re never able to fold it back up the

2008 Year In Review – The Archives

I enjoy doing a Year In Review post to reflect on all that has happened the past year.  The 2007 Year In Review was my very first one, and I’ve decided to do it again this year. This one is going to be a bit different than last years though. Here’s something I discovered while