RETaggr – Can It Really Do All That?

My ActiveRain Blog sidebar has forever been a hosting ground for widgets, gadgets, gizmo’s, buttons, and anything else I could place there that didn’t break my Blog or the AR Network. LOL  Most of the buttons there were just links to other Blogs and sites where I participate.  The others were just on-line tools and

2008 Year In Review – The Archives

I enjoy doing a Year In Review post to reflect on all that has happened the past year.  The 2007 Year In Review was my very first one, and I’ve decided to do it again this year. This one is going to be a bit different than last years though. Here’s something I discovered while

Hotspots on a Graphic – What are they, How to and Why

Can you have more than one link attached to a single graphic?  Have you ever wondered how website designers do that?  This is called layering or “Hotspots“.  You can easily create multiple links to any single graphic by doing the following.  I like to use photos or graphics that are in .jpg formats.  My earlier post

Embed Youtube Video into Google Maps

How To Embed Your Youtube Video into Google Maps We had over 700 people register for the Youtube Video and Blogging Classes we held over at ActiveRain University this last month. In these sessions, we covered how to create and use video more effectively for your Blogs and websites. We shared some cool tips and

The Best of NAR 2009 Expo – Real Estate Technology

The Best of NAR 2009 Expo – Real Estate Technology NAR each year is always packed with great sessions, speakers, topics and presenters.  There’s no way to see and do it all!  One of my favorite parts of the Convention is walking around, meeting people in the hallways, hugging old friends and shaking hands with

Photoshop Basic Navigation

Many agents and REALTORS are now using Photoshop to clean up pictures of properties, neighborhoods, communities etc. Photoshop has many features and tools but can be overwhelming most people. Without a basic understanding of how Photoshop works, and what does what, it’s difficult to find a starting place to begin. This video will give you

32 Tweeter Twitter Tips

Do you use Twitter?If so, how? If not, why? Do you even need to be on Twitter? Since the birth of the site, these are age old questions that have been and will continually be asked regarding the popular micro-blogging social network. Millions are on Twitter, but how many use it effectively? The following tips

Great Summary of Zillow Zestimates

Today, featured an excellent video by a Zillow Staff member, Rachel Rosen who does a superb job at explaining the Zillow Zestimate.  A special shout out and some link love to Rachel over at, and an extra special tid-bit of information for our readers if you really want to know “WHAT YOU NEED

Creating A Custom Twitter Background

How To Create A Custom Twitter Background Many Twitter users have a custom background for their personal or business profile page on Twitter.  There are many sites that offer FREE Twitter Backgrounds for your page, but have you considered creating one of your own that is unique and customized? In this video is the instructions