What Blog Content Works

What Type of Blog Content Works? Great question with no right or wrong answer. Over the past 10 years I have written more than 1000 articles here. My intention was to simply create a library of content, a place where I could archive all my discoveries and knowledge regarding technology, social media, apps, websites, and

Should Real Estate Professionals Blog

This is a question that has been around the block many times and depending who you ask, I believe you’ll get a unique and different answer every time. Here’s my personal take and answer to this age-old blogging question. I think blogging is like farming the land. Each blog post is like throwing a seed

Blogging for the Business Blogger

Content Accumulated over time for the Blogging Business Blogger Here’s 21 Blogging articles over a 4 year period of time with more than 3580 Real Estate Industry Professional comments for your reading, learning, and reviewing pleasure.  Disclaimer: Many of these articles and blog posts were written during my ActiveRain employment period and may reflect proprietary

Delivering Blog Content & Growing Traffic

Email Blogging Delivers Content and Grows Traffic There was a time where a post like this would start off with, “Do You Have A Blog?”  It’s no longer a question as to whether you should have one or not but how good is your content and how are you marketing it?  Are you delivering great

Nobody Clicks On Page Two… SEO?

My favorite title so far this year!!  It’s a blatantly obvious term and title, but one I think many overlook when creating their web presence for their profile or their business.  The point of  “Search Engine Optimization” is to be found via the results from someone else’s search terms, words, or phrases in the search

The Blogging Success Cycle

The Blogging Success Cycle – Today we are talking about the key ingredients for a successful Blog.  If you’re looking to create a Successful Blogging Cycle, you’ve come to the right spot for some ideas, tips, tricks and techniques that have been proven over time to work for many individuals and businesses. Before You Begin: Some

The Ultimate Blogger Startup Kit

The Ultimate Blogger Startup Kit When you first heard the word “Blog” you were probably just like the rest of us.  Not sure, confused, and maybe even uncomfortable with the whole idea and concept.  My guess is that you still are if you’ve opened this post and you’re still reading it. Here is a Starter

Building Blocks for Better Blogs and Business

While it was with every intention I planned on sharing this presentation at the RainStorm this past weekend, somehow my final decision to do so was influenced by the environment, the ambiance, and the folks I was fortunate to be surrounded by at the Ultra Heat Lounge in Anaheim.  There was a great line-up of