Real Estate Market Domination

Real Estate Market Domination?  Now that’s a title that should peak the interests of ANYONE in Real Estate!! This is going to be the Real Estate Industry’s “BEST EVENT” for 2010!  It’s going to be really hard for me to make this NOT sound like a sales pitch, but I’m just really excited to be

At This Moment – A Social Media Way To Record and Share

This Moment – A new Social Media Way To Record and Share the past, the now, and the future! UPDATE: 12/18/2011 is no longer available. Like many others, they must have run out of money! What are you doing right at this very moment?  Well you’re reading this post obviously, but wouldn’t it be

ActiveRain Members and RainMakers – Do You Need Help?

ActiveRain Members and RainMakers – Do You Need Help? I’m looking for AR members who feel they need some training and coaching.  There are many great trainers and classes/coaching offered out there, but they might NOT be what you’re looking for and what you REALLY NEED. Are You Serious? Are you Ready? What are your