The Rules and Tools Have Changed

Buyers Still Use a Variety of Sources Real Estate sales in this country will never be hindered or held back due to a lack of information and resources that are available to the general public.  It use to be that the most powerful and effective tool available with the least amount of cost and most

How To Convert Online Contacts

Here are some tips for success when converting online contacts to clients.  Always be sure to focus on the customer and not the item or product for sale.  Understand the customer’s needs, don’t get distracted by the availability of the product or desired property.  Appreciate and respect the customer’s timeline, don’t pressure online contacts to

Facebook and Google’s Secret Revealed

This is going to rattle your cage a little and probably rock your world.  Don’t be alarmed, just be educated! This Google video tutorial explains how the online search worked just over a year ago. Now take a deep breath, sit back, and try to relax as you watch this next piece… After all you’ve

QR Codes With a Different Approach

What would it take to get you to scan a QR Code when you see one? That is the $350,000.00 question of the day!  (hint-hint)  I’ve been researching these little ugly bugs for quite some time now and have determined that we need to find a better way to increase participation and conversion. People are

Top 5 Real Estate Tips for 2012

These might seem simple and basic, but it’s some of “THE BEST ADVICE” I can impart. Having just returned from the NAR Convention and EXPO in Anaheim, I wanted to share some of the most valuable and beneficial business practices I was able to acquire from the many I had the chance to meet with

How To Create a Google+ Business Page

Google+ profiles are now open and free to anyone.  When Google launched their Google+ Plus platform, they asked folks to hold off creating business pages on their personal profile site and for good reason.  This week Google announced that you can now setup your Google Plus Business Pages. One major thing to consider when creating

A Daily Resource for FREE Training

A Daily Resource for Support & Training     San Diego State Professor joins Zillow Academy Special Announcement: Professor Leonard Baron, MBA, CPA, will be our special guest this month.  Save a seat to take advantage of his real estate training and investing skills that until now were only available through SDSU classrooms and his books.

What Makes Your QR Code Unique

QR Codes can be a great tool but there are some things to consider before you go creating, copying, printing, and pasting them all over the web and God’s creation.  My first thought is that if I do see a QR Code anywhere, it better be worth it to me and offer enough value to

How To Create Squeeze Landing Pages

Squeeze or Landing pages also know as “Splash” pages are very popular right now and intended to do one thing and only one thing.  Cultivate, Capture, and Convert contacts or leads into clients or buyers of your products and services. How to create an individual or single landing squeeze page There are many ways you

The Power of Twitter and Television

#Hashtags, @Tweeters, Curated Tweets, Retweets, and Live Tweeting? If you think that Twitter is not making an impact into every crack and crevice of the world including television, you are terribly mistaken. Twitter and TV are making a huge social media impact amongst viewers and tweeters. Chris Smith from Inman.Next just did a webinar titled