The ActiveRain Guide

The ActiveRain Guide is “FINALLY” available but will probably never be completed. (LOL) It’s taken nearly two years for this project to get to this point… let me explain. When I joined ActiveRain back in February of 2007, there were no manuals, very few tutorials, only about 20,000 members, and I had no idea where

What’s The Best Part of Your Job?

What’s The Best Part of My Job? The best part of my job is that I get to travel around the country, and learn about all the latest and greatest stuff out there from some of the best minds and practitioners in the industry.  A portion of my time is spent researching and getting to

Top 40 Resources for Information and Education

These are my Top 40 Resources for Real Estate Industry Information and Education Most of my reading hours are spent on ActiveRain. Let’s face it, one could sit at their computer ALL DAY everyday, and never run out of great material to read and learn from AR members.  There is more information, education, inspiration, and

Top 10 Cool Tools to Share

When I joined Zillow about 6-7 weeks ago, many friends and associates here asked me to keep them posted about my new position over at Zillow.  So far, it’s been an incredible blast and the time has simply flown by.  I’m really enjoying the privilege of getting to be in both places, Zillow and here

3 Tips – How Google Buzz and Profiles Generate SEO and Business

3 Tips – Can Google Buzz really generate SEO and business? Is there a strategic way to use Google Buzz by mixing business and personal communications to generate ranking in search engines and at the same time, increase your visits and place in line making deposits at the local bank?  First tip: Stop standing in

Improve Video and Images for Higher Ranking in Search Engines

How To Improve your Video and Images for Higher Ranking in the Search Engines. Acquiring SEO and traffic to your Blog or Website using great content, titles, descriptions, and keywords etc. has always been a subtle yet powerful strategy in the Blogging community.  Many new businesses and individuals don’t start off blogging or creating websites

The ActiveRain Featured Blog Post

The ActiveRain Featured Blog Post – I get asked everyday about the ActiveRain Featured Blog post.  The wide variety of questions range from “Who Is Featuring The Posts” to “Why Are The Same Members Featured over and over again?” Well, it’s taken me 2 1/2 years working here to finally write a post about the

Blogging Steps and Cycle For Success

Real Estate Blogging – The Steps & Cycle For Success Are you a REALTOR or BROKER Blogging? Why are you Blogging? Who is your audience? What are you Blogging about?  What are your ultimate intentions? What are your goals and desired results?  Do you have a plan in place for success?  Of course you do,

Top Search Engines Reveal – Top RE Social Networks

Mirror Mirror on the Wall…  Let Google & Yahoo search them all…. What do people search for on Google? What do you search for on Yahoo?  What are clients, friends, and family searching for?  Seems our entire lives are spent in search of something?  The questions is, are we ever really finding exactly what it